Backing up a WordPress site through cPanel requires that you make a copy of the database, and a copy of the files in your WordPress directory.
1. Sign into cPanel.
2. Under "Databases" open "phpMyAdmin".
3. Find the relevant database and expand it.
4. Open the "Export" tab.
5. Export Method: choose "Custon".
6. Tables: Make sure all the tables are selected.
7. Output: "Save output to a file"
8. File name template:
Paste this template into the box
and check "Use this for future exports".
9. Compression: "zipped" works well and is readable on most operating systems.
10. Scroll to the bottom left and click "Go".
11. The file name template appends the date (Year, month, day) and the system time (Hour, minute, offset from GMT).